44 All About Me?

Today we look at our premise, our starting point. Are we sharing messages and thinking more about what we are doing, or is Christ really the center of the gospel we share? Have we shrunk Jesus and magnified our works and embrace psychology and formulas to the simple message of grace? Is the Bible really Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth or have we missed the true message of the finished work of Christ and continue to live as if the Bible were instructions to a good life now and the promise of heaven later? If we have believed lies that our relationship with the Lord is determined by the level of our commitment, let’s realign our thinking with truth and remember what Jesus completed and left us in His will. He said, “It is Finished”, let’s believe Him.

Genesis 22:15-18

2 Corinthians 5:21

James 1


45 How Am I Changed?


43 How is my Perspective?