34 Am I Accepted by God or Not?

Today on the Grace at LAST podcast we ask the question if we are perfectly accepted by God for all time, or do we need to keep ourselves acceptable through forgiveness and confession? I know the Bible refers to the Gospel as the Good News, but it doesn’t always seem good to me. What am I missing? Have I mistaken things for a relationship with God that are only traditions passed down by man, and how do I know? Was Jesus speaking to me when He gave the commandments in the gospels? Why are so many things being said confusing to me and seem to contradict one another? These are the things we will talk about today on the Grace at LAST podcast and we are so glad you joined us. We also mentioned and want to share The Grace Cafe’ and The Unsunday Show Podcasts.

Hebrews 8

2 Corinthians 5:19

Matthew 16:24

Luke 14:27

John 1:29

Matthew 10:38

Luke 9:23


35 Must I Decrease?


33 Corinne’s Conversation with Susan Adams